About the LTIO

The Long-Term Investment Summit was created at the initiative of the Institutional Investors Roundtable (“IIR”)>>, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster collaboration around private market investment among the world’s leading pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, government reserve funds, endowments and other global asset owners.

The Long Term Investment Organization is a not for profit and apolitical organization independent from but closely aligned with the IIR, whose mission is to unlock the capital held by the IIR Community toward critical challenges for long-term sustainable economic development requiring large-scale, patient capital such as: investments and disruption arising from climate change, need for new infrastructure worldwide, global healthcare challenges, clean energy, global food and water sufficiency, development of emerging economies, etc. (“Global Economic Challenges”).

For this purpose, the Long Term Investment Organization organizes in collaboration with the IIR the “Long-Term Investment Summit”, a semi-annual by-invitation meeting to foster collaboration among the IIR Community, national governments, global philanthropic organizations and relevant civil society partners to address Global Economic Challenges for which a structured, patient, and collaborative problem-solving approach is required.


1 Source: Dr. Ashby Monk, Executive Director and Research Director at the Stanford University Global Projects Center.